

A New Wi-Fi Year at CES 2018

By Ambroise Popper

Welcome to Quantenna’s new Blog. We will use this forum to provide insight into our company, products and our connection to some of the biggest developments in Wi-Fi and semiconductor industry. To kick it off, we wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!May this year bring more Wi-Fi nodes into your home, as Wi-Fi continues to be the most pervasive high-speed wireless connectivity in the world. Most importantly, all of us at Quantenna would like to wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Wi-Fi isn’t just ubiquitous these days, it’s critical and necessary in many industries. So as more and more gadgets become internet-connected, we need more bandwidth and stability. This is what makes the future of Wi-Fi especially interesting.

As CES 2018 quickly approaches, it will showcase the leading technologies that will shape the future of consumer devices. It is simply amazing how far CES has come, remember 20 years ago when CES was launching the newest cameras, computers, and cell phones? What can you expect this year, from Machine Learning/Intelligent Things to the Smart Home – voice-enabled smart hubs and devices and Mixed Reality to 5G?

Quantenna’s Wi-Fi technology is the center of the smart home that enhances the way we live, work, learn, and play. As the undisputed pacesetter in the industry, we provide the range, speed and capacity to power the digital home for a smarter lifestyle. From UHD on-demand video and voice-controlled Internet of Things devices to cloud gaming, AR/VR and other emerging applications, Quantenna’s technology paves the way with reliable multi-gigabit Wi-Fi performance that enriches people’s lives.

Please visit us at CES, and come visit our suite for an update on the latest Wi-Fi news by Quantenna. Drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll give you our private suite location.